Eli Roth’s digital media network The Crypt, is challenging fans globally to come up with their best #6SecondScare Vine this October, judged by some of the most notable names in Hollywood, with some astounding prizes. The contest launches today, announced via Eli’s #SixSecondScare Vine. This is the third Halloween event from The Crypt, the first two, #CryptParty and #HalloVine have reached over ten million views combined.
Joining Roth to judge the competition will be Rob Lowe, Kid Cudi, Elijah Wood, Vanessa Hudgens, and Quentin Tarantino. The contest will run until October 31st at 12 PM PST, after which point the judges will choose the winners. The six winners will be announced on October 31 at Eli and Quentin’s all-night-horror marathon at Quentin Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema at 8:00 PST, and simultaneously announced via The Crypt’s Twitter and Vine.
The grand prize will be developing an idea of the winner’s choice with Roth & Davis Entertainment (CHRONICLE, THE BLACKLIST). Additional prizes will include Canon 7D equipment & the other prizes will be announced on The Crypt twitter feed in the coming week.
Anyone can enter the contest by uploading their video to Twitter and/or Vine, with the hashtag #6SecondScare, and by tagging and following The Crypt (@fearthecrypt). There is no limit to the number of entries, and previous work can be submitted. Roth encouraged users to think outside the box when coming up with their best idea.
“I wanted to create a global contest that anyone with a smart phone can enter. You don’t need a big budget or stars or makeup effects, and with the time limit you have to be creative. It’s not about being over the top or looking professional, whoever comes up with the most creative six second scare wins. The difference now is that your work will be seen by the amazing judges who have generously donated their time to support budding new filmmakers. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Iowa or Iceland, Brazil or Brussels, if you make a short on your phone for the #SixSecondScare we will see it. I remember the feeling of being 22 with a short film, dying to get anyone in the industry to watch it – that’s all you want when you’re starting out, and now we’re able to give anyone with a dream of directing that chance,” Said Roth.
More information can be found at FearTheCrypt.com/6SecondScare.