David Cormican, Producer of both the short films ‘Minus Lara’ and ‘Rusted Pyre’ has been awarded a two-way tie between his films for the “Best in Canada” award as part of the 2011 Reel Rave International Film Festival.
Waskesui, SK— The Canadian Short Screenplay Competition’s ‘Rusted Pyre’ starring Best Actress winner Samantha Somer Wilson and ‘Less Than Kind’ star Brooke Palsson, written by Daniel Audet and directed by Laurence Cohen and ‘Minus Lara’ (a short film produced for Bravo!FACT), stars Romina D’Ugo is written by Canadian Film Centre student Surita Parmar and directed by Rob King, were co-awarded one of the 2011 Reel Rave International Film Festival’s top honours and distinctions: “Best in Canada”.
The short films played to enthusiastic crowds during the weekend long film festival, which includes the screening of six feature films in addition to the Short Film Festival. There were three awards handed out for the event and festival Director and Curator Griffith Aaron Baker announced on behalf of the Reel Rave Committee and the Mann Art Gallery that both Canadian Short Screenplay Competition short films tied for the “Best in Canada” award.
‘Rusted Pyre’ was also recently selected by the Young Cuts Film Festival as one of the top 100 films of 2011. The short films’ Producer, David Cormican offered his thanks upon learning of the co-win honour as part of Reel Rave, “This is amazing and I give thanks for the success of these two films, which were made by an incredibly talented bunch of professionals whom, without them, these films would not have been possible. These two films in conjunction with this amazing award, is a great indication of the depth of incredible talent in the film industry in Regina, Saskatchewan (where these shorts were both filmed)”.