Director Les Mahoney (Available) has nearly completed post-production on the indie horror, thriller feature At Granny`s House. This film stars Rachel Alig (Bikini Spring Break), Glenda Morgan Brown (“The West Wing”), Mahoney (Coldwood) and indie horror favorite Bill Oberst Jr. (of the Emmy-winning and Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies).
This title is of a loving caregiver whose dark secret makes Granny’s house a macabre place of death – and love. Shot entirely in a rural town in Colorado, At Granny’s House is a dark Hitchcockian thriller that will make audiences wonder what is going on, behind closed doors in small-town America.
The first teaser trailer for the film was recently released. In it, we see Alig with her ever-present syringe. Oberst, Morgan Brown and a mysterious dishevelled man (held captive in an austere room) are also shown.
While details of the movie are still shrouded in mystery, it is certain that those who enter Granny’s house will never be the same.