Written by: James D. Baird (Author) (Author), Laurie Nadel (Author), Bruce Lipton (Foreword)
Published by New Page Books
Publication Date: 2010
Format: Black /White – 256 pages
Price: $15.99
Happiness Genes explores the basic premise of us as human beings. What thoughts influence our makeup, the cells within and the influence from our environment on our genetic makeup. Authors James D. Baird & Laurie Nadel explore this very premise by asking questions and conducting field research to provide answers.
Our society in the 21st century is examined and how we perceive happiness thru greater means. As explained…faster, bigger, new, better are almost a blueprint of our perception influenced by the barrage of consumer adverting. Yet others in foreign countries who exist without any of these convenience still find that same happiness in a much more simple form. Then again, even with these material needs or wants, are we attaining happiness or just satisfying an internal hunger brought on by our environment. This is the kind of stuff that this book explores. In fact its closer to the same realm of metaphysics as any with the determining factors being both mind and spirit. Can a constant flux of happiness also heal and provide in ways that science cant?
A general makeup of gene theory is overviewd and then taken into a research driven study. We find that although genes provide the basic building block of us as individuals, the outcomes and influence can be altered with change. For instance, the controversial studies of disease effects counteracted with health, yoga and dieting. The long term affects that parents inflict down to their children per previous negative upbringings.
Gene displacement gets looked at with general reasons for certain foundations that might be inhibited due to these kind of issues. The questions are asked and advised…how do you look at your day? Are you happy? What can you look forward to? Where are you going…. A term “conscious evolution” is introduced which essentially refers to evolving by initiating positive energy within. Not too unlike alot of other similar approaches, though in this case its examined with a more scientific eye. The book provides an early historical look combined with current advances. The purpose is to introduce us to a 28 day natural happiness program which initiates the turning on of genes within.
Happiness genes discusses what is hereditary and what effect religion has on the soul. Can we evolve from a spiritual nature to actually contribute to our own well beings? Its’ all here…love, compassion, dealing with stress, altruism and essentials to a healthy life. You might say this book combines the ideas of scientific, religion, positive thinking, metaphysical, eating, exercise and emotional materials.
It’s perhaps a new way of comprehensive approaching alot of rehashed ideas into a single plan of attack. What can we discover from our DNA? The authors take a light hearted approach with an easy to read format that should satisfy a large portion of genre, supernatural and healing focused readers.
Check out other books by the author as well at: New Page Books
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