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Home | Comic Review: Yuck – Issue 2

Comic Review: Yuck – Issue 2

Yuck-2Issue: Yuck #2
Creators: Johandson Rezende, James Andre, J Marc Schmidt, Dexter Cockburn, Ben Hutchins, Jacek Zabawa, Frank Candiloro, Matt Emery, Ed Kearsley, Antonia Glavic
Cover Artist: Jacek Zabawa
Editor: Mr. Slime
Publisher: Milk Shadow Books
Release Date: 2009
Pages: 36
Price: $4.00

“Like the undead cat, it came back…the second issue of undergound comic anthology, Yuck! returns! Featuring art and writing by Jacek Zabawa, Johandson Rezende, James Andre, J Marc Schmidt, Dexter Cockburn, Ben Hutchings, Frank Candiloro, Matt Emery, Ed Kearsley and Antonia Glavic. Suitable for over 18’s only!“

Artwork: 3.5 out of 5
Ah, another rendition of my favorite strange and twisted comic, HOORAY! So where do we start on the artwork, well I love the cover and when it comes to the interior work a few stand out, while I think a few were kind of weak. Now I know what to expect, so no I don’t have super high standards here. I really enjoyed the look of “Doors of Perception”, “Shits ‘N Giggles” and “Square of the Crossbones”. These three to me easily stand out a bt more than the others. Overall though this book just makes me so happy when it comes to a unique creative look.

Story: 4.0 out of 5
So once again I will make sure to say mature readers only. These stories are so much fun on all levels. Yes, they are easily on the adult level, but I kinda like that humor. So many laughs can be found in this tiny sized comic, and I always just want more when it’s over. Since we are a horror site I will point out how much fun “Millennial Monsters” was. Not what I ever expected to see of my classic monsters but just had me laughing.

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
Yay! Another awesome issue of the worlds greatest Down-Underground Comic. I love the art work in this book and the way it relates to the stories. Every single short made me smile, even if it was in an uncomfortable way. So no it may not be for everyone, but it is for me, and for that I thank the creators. All I have left to really say is Yuck, now can I have some more?

If you would like to buy or know more about Yuck #2 you can find it at http://milkshadow.wordpress.com/

Comic Review: Yuck – Issue 2

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