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The Year After Infection

The-Year-After-Infection-2-328x500New word on the feature THE YEAR AFTER INFECTION which is towing the tagline of “If The World Ended Tomorrow Would You Still Want To Survive?” We’ve got some preliminary poster art for ya to check out and a quick synopsis. The film arrives per way of Vertice Films and is written and directed by film maker Tony Greco.

Four stories, represented by each season, with diverse groups of people and the challenges they face after a zombie apocalypse. Trying to create a new life under the most dire of circumstances and dealing with letting go of their former lives, while coping with the constant danger of the infected.

Will they survive? Will they want to?

Starring: Trinka, James Eason, Nichole Fischer, Ben Bovee, Eric Warrington, TimLantz, RhondaHusak, Julian Thomas and Clark Pearson



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