by Sandy DeLuca
(Uninvited Books)
A beautiful young painter falls in love with a dangerously seductive man who may be in league with the Devil . . . who may even be a devil. So begins her DESCENT into a world of violence and horror, a world of rituals and madness and unspeakable cruelty. Can she retain her soul despite the things he does to her, the things he forces her to witness . . . the things he forces her to do?
When you dance with the Devil, can you ever make it stop?
“Sanity visits me now and then, but never stays long,” a line stated by the main character Julia, and that is exactly how you will feel after reading Sandy DeLuca’s mesmerizing and decadent “Descent”.
Sandy DeLuca weaves a seductively violent tale of love gone wrong in the most horrifying ways imaginable.
Julia has always been attracted to the “bad boys”, which ultimately proves to be her demise on her “Descent” to a world of depravity and bloodshed, that she can’t seem to escape twenty years later.
This is a book not to be taken lightly, it is at once horrifying and soul tearing. It is not a book to read to pass the time during your lunch hour, it is a book that is made to be savored, a book that demands time to absorb every word and nuance of the story.
Ultimately, this is a tale that will bring you to the brink and then tear you back again, manipulating your emotions like a concert pianist manipulates the ivory of his instrument. It is dark, deep and not for the timid; it will scare you and it will horrify you to the point that you will have a hard time reading it because your hands are shaking so much.
Uninvited Books already had two books vying for my top book of the year with “Gardens of Night” and “Willey”, I have added “Descent” to that list.
This is a great year for horror fiction lovers, Uninvited Books has another brilliant edition to add to their stable of outstanding dark literature with “Descent”. I give it my highest recommendation.
Descent – Author Sandy DeLuca