We just received word over the friends at FMOFL that a revamped site has been erected. You can check out their press releases below. In quick review, it looks to be a step in the right direction with some obvious signs that they received some much needed SEO advice. WordPress structure in place and some optimized headings suggest some future movements in more SERP coverage. Though the biggest area of interest seems to be the promotion of a DreadCentral RSS news feed. My guess is, this is temporary until they get all their content up to speed and entered in. Also you might notice the movement towards a digital edition of their magazine. I’ve been asking Fangoria for this for years. Hopefully other printed magazines in the genre will realize the need for Nook or Kindle equipped editions. The latest word is that digital books are now outselling printed…… maybe not in everyone’s best interest, but certainly a sign of the times.
FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND is proud to announce the completely new, re-designed, re-VAMPed, re-incarnated, re-constituted Famousmonsters.com. The new site showcases digital previews of upcoming issues, a collection of news and stories from our friends around the net, blogs from the FM crew, an enhanced video player, Video-on-Demand of genre classics, and much more. This is just the beginning of what will be many upgrades and additions to one of the web’s premiere destinations for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.