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Book Review: The Book of Legion – Issue 2

Writen by: Ryan Mojica, F.S. Hayes, Tom Sullivan
Pencils: Ryan Mojica, Anton Ruggiero, Rodolfo Buscaglia, James Helkowski
Greytones: Mean James Helkowski
Letters: Warren Montgomery, Anton Ruggiero
Publisher: Legion Studios
Publication Date: 2004
Format: Full Color – 44 pages
Price: $3.95

“Volume II in the continuing Anthology of Horror. The mad priest is back, delving into further chapters from the primEVIL Book that is his bane – The Book of Legion. Will you choose to heed his warnings or turn away from all his depraved preaching?

You wanted more torture and agony… Prepare to enter the Second circle on your descent into Hell!”

An even better collection in my opinion than the first. Book of Legion: The Second Coming has more depth and thought in it than I would expect and it had me thinking and wondering why it is not preached on a higher level. Taking a cue from the first issue, following along the demonic side of horror stories, this book does not disappoint on it’s terror level.

Artwork: 4.2 out of 5
The book contains 3 stories and storyteller pages like most anthologies do. The artwork is great for each story and all contain a very creepy feel. I personally love the Mad Priest, he really disturbs me, and I find that style of art the most appealing. But each story is unique and none of it is below par.

Story: 4.0 out of 5
When I read this issue it brought back these strange thoughts that I used to get reading issues of Negative Burn. Kinda of the sense of hopelessness found in futuristic tales where everything is bleak. The stories all convey Satanic messages and it’s strange that this is the only book I have found to do that, which makes it so original. This is a market they own the corner in and so much space to move around in. Great job.

Dying Breath: 4.2 out of 5
A great collection of stories and artwork. This is unlike any anthology title you will find. It’s kind of like these guys have found thei9r own little style of horror and they are running wild with it. With a lot of promise to come I will be following this very closely in the future. Hands down great anthology title.

If you would like to buy Book of Legion: The Second Coming or if you want to check out the other Legion Studio titles please go to http://www.legionsden.com/

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