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Going Gaga for Horror


Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta aka Lady Gaga steam rolled the music scene in 2008 and gave us pop hits like “Just Dance” and “Pokerface.” During these initial introductions to Gaga, no one was really ready for the chaos and notoriety the “Haus of Gaga” was about to bring on. Lady Gaga not only popped out dance hits but also some rather strange and horror inspired outfits to go along with the outlandish performances. Of course, no one associates a pop diva with horror. Let’s see, Britney Spears and Wes Craven? Yeah, doesn’t really roll off the tongue. But Lady Gaga has very quietly and discreetly managed to give the horror community a thumbs up, showing that a synchronized pop dancer can hang in the clubhouse with the rest of us horror fanatics.


Who can forget 2009’s Mtv Video Music Awards? Gaga sported numerous outfits, all with a bit of how shall I say, a unique perspective? There was first the black laced dress decorated with black feathers, very gothic inspired. But, the accessory that put it right over the top was the black and gold crusted neck brace. Very fashionable, no? Then there was the white outfit with a birds nest nestled neatly around her face. There was also the red laced dress that covered her body along with her face. A red crown-like item decorated her head. But the outfit that put her in cahoots with the horror community was the white outfit stained with blood she wore during her “Paparazzi” performance. Her dancers “stabbed” her as blood oozed out onto her white clothes. It was almost like a mini horror movie musical. Thanks Lady Gaga for that wonderfully strange and horror-ific performance.


Other outfits that seem to border on the horror line include a sheer red lace dress with a hair piece in the shape of a circular light with points. This “light” can be also be seen in religious pictures of Jesus minus the sheer red lace dress. A red lace dons her neck almost mimicking a sliced throat with blood gushing out. And more red lace on her face that too looks like blood. Religion and horror done as only Gaga can. The Queen of England had the opportunity to meet Lady Gaga and was not immune from viewing outrageous costumes. Gaga sported a red shiny dress with red boots and red make-up. Some critics thought she looked like a super-hero but I was leaning more towards a futuristic red riding hood. Wonder what the Queen thought? The “Alejandro” video not only included a history lesson but some funky Goth looking outfits and some bowl cut hair do’s on male dancers in heels.

Gaga sported a black outfit with some black glasses at beginning of the video. She later wore a latex-looking robe with crosses decorating the sleeve. And wait for it…she sported the robe while eating a rosary. The entire video has a dark theme and fits perfectly into the horror scene. Skeletons were among those in the horror community also honored by Lady Gaga. A nude colored stretchy outfit covered her body all while a skeletal rib cage donned her chest. A skeletal head piece was also propped up on her head. Just another costume that places horror right at the front of the pack thanks to Miss Germonatta.

Of course, one can’t mention Gaga and horror without talking about the fashion driven and ever so popular meat dress. And believe me when I say meat dress, I really mean meat dress. I’m talking raw steaks plastered all over her body like they were the sexiest pieces of clothing ever to hit New York Fashion Week.


I love me some beef but honestly seeing the dress live on my television set made me gag a bit and reminded me of the chainsaw wielding Leatherface from “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” Leatherface enjoys slicing people’s faces and sporting them as masks. She enjoys sliced New York Strips pasted on for a night on the town. The worst that happened were journalists’ blogs and stories questioning how sane and disrespectful the outfit was seeing as she was accepting an award from the diva herself, Cher. But imagine for a moment, if Lady Gaga wore that dress in a zombie movie or better yet a cannibal film.


Okay sure, Lady Gaga may not actually be synonymous with horror but you can’t deny she has dipped her toes in the horror pool. She has gotten horror buzzing with her crazy outfits. And honestly there’s nothing wrong a little media whoring even if it’s on the coattails of an outlandish, meat wearing pop star like Lady Gaga.


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