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Home | News | ZOMBIE GRINDHOUSE MARATHON arrives on Digital Platforms

ZOMBIE GRINDHOUSE MARATHON arrives on Digital Platforms

BayView Entertainment, LLC have released the horror film Zombie Grindhouse Marathon on Digital Platforms including to rent/buy on Amazon Prime Video worldwide.
3 movies in 1!
Zombie Grindhouse Marathon is from Director Robert Elkins and the film stars Kyle Billeter, Tony Jones and Crystal Howell.

A mondo non-stop zombie marathon! Get your zombie carnage groove on with endless hours of zombie apocalypse re-animated gore and action! Co-eds on the trip from hell, zombie crocodiles mangle tourists on their last vacation, alien viruses take over an entire town! Zombies are rampant everywhere! The death toll increases every day – with nowhere to hide. Will you survive? Contains three complete films: Zombie Isle, Zombie Croc, and Alien Swamp Beast.


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