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Exclusive Photos: HELLBILLY HOLLOW

DSC2653-310x205Exclusive Photos: HELLBILLY HOLLOW

Horrornews.net has Exclusive Photos from the film, HELLBILLY HOLLOW produced by Rob Zombie’s former manager and film producer, Andy Gould (THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, 31, LORDS OF SALEM and Zombie’s HALLOWEEN films).

Rock star, Kurt Deimer (HALLOWEEN 2018) produced and stars in HELLBILLY HOLLOW along with co-stars  McKalin Hand (BLACK LIGHTNING) and Hallie Shepherd (THE WEREWOLF DIARIES). The gruesome makeup FX are by Jonathan Thornton (OCULUS, KILL THEORY).

Bull (Kurt Deimer) protects his not-so-small younger brother Tickles (Kevin Wayne, also the film’s director) from the outside world, but who protects the outside world from Tickles? A team of YouTube paranormal activity seekers comes to Bull’s haunted attraction in the backwoods to find more than they bargained for as they follow thrill-seekers on a haunted hayride. Fear and death plague those who enter and those who seek the past. But can it all lead to a better place?


HELLBILLY HOLLOW team will present exclusive footage and hold a cast & crew panel at the upcoming Son of Monsterpalooza convention (Oct 14-16 at the Burbank Airport Marriott; www.monsterpalooza.com). The presentation will be on Friday, Oct 14 @ 7:30 pm. Attendees will include Deimer, director Kevin (BLOOD TYPE) Wayne, producer Andy Gould and actress Megan Weaver.





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