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Home | TV | TV Review: Creepshow (TV Series) (Season 2) (2021) – Review 2

TV Review: Creepshow (TV Series) (Season 2) (2021) – Review 2

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Based on the Creepshow movie series, this season features stories about a bullied kid who is obsessed with monsters, something lurking in the pipes of an apartment complex, a mentally unstable astronaut who wants to be the first person to speak to aliens, and many more spooky tales.


I love the first Creepshow movie (I am all about the monster in the crate as it scared the hell out of me when I was a kid), dig the second one (love “The Raft” segment), and hated the third film (man, is it bad and I am hesitant to even include it with the other two movies). I liked most of the first season of the TV show, so I was looking forward to the second season. Unfortunately, though, it just didn’t impress me and after everything was said and done, I walked away feeling mighty disappointed and not having much hope for the third season.


The season starts off strong as I think that the first episode is the best. I really enjoyed the first segment “Model Kid” and while it isn’t the most original idea in the world it worked for the most part. The second segment from the first episode, “Public Television of the Dead” was silly as hell but was fun and was a nice little episode that is connected to The Evil Dead movies (Ted Raimi even shows up in this one as himself) but the Bob Ross thing was a little weird and didn’t quite work in my opinion. From there though, it was all downhill for the most part with the rest of the episodes.


“Dead and Breakfast” was just OK but I just couldn’t get into it for the most part. “Pesticide” had potential, but it goes off the rails very quickly and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The last scene is confusing, and I am honestly not sure what was going on. “The Right Snuff” could have been awesome as well but things fall apart as it progresses, and the ending is just plain goofy in my opinion. “Sibling Rivalry” was so-so-but tried too hard to be funny (but it isn’t). I liked the idea behind this segment, but the execution left a lot to be desired, and most people will see the ending coming a mile away.


The worst episode features the segments “Pipe Screams” and “Within the Walls of Madness.” Both just don’t work, and while “Pipe Dreams” is a little better (other than the fact that they felt the need to kill off the cat for no obvious reason which isn’t cool), “Within the Walls of Madness is mind-numbingly boring and was a challenge to get through for me. I was cool that Barbara Crampton and Denise Crosby showed up in these episodes because I dig both, but it seemed like their talents were wasted with these segments.


I was also very let down by the season finale, “Night of the Living Late Show” as well. Before I saw it, I had heard that it was awesome, but I just didn’t care for it. It reminded me of a weird version of Woody Allen’s short story “The Kugelmass Episode” and was obviously an inspiration for this episode. I normally like Justin Long and think that he is cool, but he is insufferable in this segment, and I just couldn’t wait to see him get what was coming to him (which he does, of course). This segment was underwhelming and while it was somewhat interesting (the premise involves Long’s character inventing a machine that lets them go into their favorite movies) the ending was totally predictable and I think that 976 Evil 2 actually did a better job with this idea when it does the bit that combines Night of the Living Dead and It’s a Wonderful Life to be honest. Overall, just a disappointing episode in general.

The Blu-Ray release of Season 2 (which is what I watched) includes the Creepshow Holiday special (which is basically unwatchable and way too corny) and the animated episode as well (which is equally bad, which stinks because I have always liked the Stephen King short story “Survivor Type” that one of the animated segments is based on), as well as some other features.


Overall, I just wasn’t that impressed with Season 2 of Creepshow. Other than the first two segments, none of the other ones really work or are that memorable, and I really think that the writers need to stop trying to cram comedy into the episodes. The humor for the episodes this season feels very forced and isn’t funny, and hopefully they will cut out the comedy for all the upcoming episodes. This season wasn’t terrible, but it could have been a lot better. Check it out if you are into Creepshow, but just make sure to keep your expectations mighty low.

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