After surviving assault, a 17-year-old Mexican girl finds retribution through her untapped female power and local witch culture.
Directed by Ashley George and written by Alonso Diaz-Rickards, Ashley George, and Maya Korn.
Nayeli (Ruth Ramos) is walking though town and she stops to talk to some people. She’s just out minding her own business. The beginning of the movie is beautifully shot. Rayan (Cesar Mijangos) keeps staring at Nayeli.
Nayeli is home now and she’s cooking. Nayeli is attacked. This is traumatizing. Nayeli tries to tell Uri (Daniel Fuentes Lobo).
Rocio (Sandra Zellweger) tries to help Nayeli. There is NEVER an excuse to hurt anyone. NEVER! Nayeli discovers something that might help her. Ruth Ramos does an excellent job of portraying Nayeli with compassion, heart, and empathy. She gives the character strength.
Nayeli delves into witchcraft and dark magic. She is searching for revenge, for an outlet to help. She isn’t messing around. They show the aftermath of what was done to Rayan.
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