Troma Now Continues Combating Carona With
Sean Donohue’sTHE HEART-BREAK KILLER, a Fresh, #FanToxic
& Frightening Feature From GATORBLADE FILMS!
Troma thanks you for your many years of devotion & hopes to provide some #TROMAzing entertainment whilst social distancing. We are what we are because
of you, the fans! We know the boredom may be setting in, so TROMA NOW is
here to keep the Creative Corona Combat juices flowing with a #Fantoxically
Frightening Film from Director Sean Donohue of Gatorblade Films!
Meet Robert.
Robert has a little problem that just won’t go away.
He’s a lonely guy looking for love in all the wrong places.
He can’t figure out what he wants but he wants what he can never have.
Ladies and Gentlemen…meet Robert Hart.
Starring Eight The Chosen One, Ashley Lynn Caputo & Anthony Wayne.
Directed by Sean Donohue
Produced by Gatorblade Films
Troma Entertainment continues to disrupt the media and has now broken
the internet with new premiere features, shorts and exclusive bonus content
on their streaming service, Troma Now!
ONLY $4.99 a month with the FIRST MONTH FREE!