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Home | Film Review: Duffields (short film) (2018)

Film Review: Duffields (short film) (2018)



A group of friends look for entertainment around Halloween. They bump into a promoter for a terrifying attraction – meeting a possessed goat.


Duffields directed by Jason-Christopher Mayer, is a short that features a group of wandering friends seeking out amusement on Halloween night. The group of friends run into a promoter promising the most terrifying attraction around. Duffields is the name of the attraction and apparently features a goat that you stare into its eyes and it posses you. Duffields features performances by Johannes Aspegren as the mysterious promotor of the attraction. Emree Franklin, Madeleine Murphy, Dylan Sharon and Travis Widick round up our group of friends.

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Duffields begins with mystery and unfortunately never delivers. The group go to the location of the attraction where can we say men stare at goats pun intended. The farm that they come to seems ordinary lacking anything scary or mysterious. The promoter takes the group to a cute white goat.

One of the group Chuck goes to stare at the goat. After coming into a craze then laughing it off messing with his friends all chaos pursues. The film then quickly changes tones as we are in some type of sacrificial satanic ritual. With the goat just being the decoy to get thrill seekers to show up. That last part is just a guess on my part. The film seems rushed and unfinished. The story never takes a complete journey. The viewer is left with more questions in this mysterious Halloween night adventure. If you have a few minutes to spare and want to see what happens when you stare and cute little goats on Halloween night check out Duffields.

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