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Home | The Last Ones Have Arrived! On DVD & Blu-ray

The Last Ones Have Arrived! On DVD & Blu-ray

The Last Ones Have Arrived!
On DVD & Blu-ray
Available at Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon and Deep Discount DVD

For Immediate Release:

‘The Last Ones’ is an independent feature film written and directed by Andrew Jara. It is a tale of psychological suspense, visceral terror, and the darker side of human nature. It acts as both a subversion of many familiar tropes of the zombie genre, as well as an exhilarating narrative all its’ own. It aims to take zombie movies back to their roots of paranoia and the fear that danger could lie within your friends and family. Made with a budget of only 40,000 dollars and shot with a RED-ONE camera, ‘The Last Ones’ shows what can truly be accomplished with an independent spirit and enough innovation.

The film opened the Plaza Classic film festival, played at the Fright Night film festival and won the audience award at the Tricon NM film festival, among many others

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Available Now: Apple App Store and Google Play

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