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Funding: New Kevin Strange (Hack Movies) Project

That universe continues to grow as WhatCulture has recently named my feature film COCKHAMMER as one of the ten best No Budget films on their YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/e_gCodvsm40

I am resurrecting my long dormant universe with a 3 issue reboot of my wildly popular backyard zombie comedy from 2007, DEAD SHIT, as a comic book on IndieGoGo!

When DEAD SHIT was initially released, it played at the TromaDance New Mexico film festival as well as the Archon sci fi and fantasy convention, Fright Night film fest, the Monstrous Weekend horror and toy convention and many other venues across the US.
I personally wrote AND illustrated this huge 3 issue re-imagining of the flick that launched Strangeville into pop culture infamy and I would love to talk to HorrorNews all about it!
The indieGoGo ends on April 17th. Any articles or interviews or social media plugs you guys would be willing to throw my way would go a LONG way in helping me achieve my goal of re-launching Strangeville as a comic book universe.
Thank you so much for your time, Adrian, and I hope to hear back from you soon!


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