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Home | News | Dances With Films NYC: A CURSED MAN Documentary Dives Into Occult Practices from Around the World

Dances With Films NYC: A CURSED MAN Documentary Dives Into Occult Practices from Around the World

A Cursed Man Brings Dark Magic Rituals to New York

Documentary Shines Light on Rarely Seen Rituals

From Around the World

World Premiere at Dances With Films NYC

Screens December 8th


Documentary filmmaker Liam Le Guillou is excited to announce that Dances With Films NYC will host the World Premiere of A Cursed Man, Le Guillou’s personal and globe-spanning look into dark magic. A Cursed Man will cast a spell on its very first audiences on December 8th at the Regal Union Square on the final night of Dances with Films NYC.

In A Cursed Man, documentary filmmaker Liam Le Guillou enters the world of witchcraft and the occult, searching for an answer to the question “is magic real?” the only way he knows how, by asking to be cursed himself.

Meeting with Witches in California, Voodoo practitioners in New Orleans, Tantrics in India and even a Satanist Shaman in Mexico, the filmmaker exposes himself to some of the world’s darkest magic.

On his Journey, Le Guillou meets with psychologists, and scientists studying the real world effects of magic and the power of belief.

Documentary filmmaker Liam Le Guillou enters the world of witchcraft and the occult, searching for an answer to the question “is magic real?”

Seeking out some of the world’s most powerful dark magic practitioners, Le Guillou asks them to put a curse on him. The consequences of this request force him to question the nature of reality and belief in this dangerous, never-before-seen, dark social experiment.


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