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Interview: Danielle Burgess (Killer Kate)

Interview-Danielle-Burgess-Killer-Kate-2The incredibly talented Danielle Burgess (“Blacklist”, “The Sinner”) took time to speak with Horrornews.net about her new film, “Killer Kate.”

Hi Danielle, How are you?

Danielle- Good, I am doing well. How are you?

I am doing good. Thank you. So you did such an amazing job in the film, “Killer Kate.” How did you prepare to play the character?

Danielle- I think actually a lot of what helped for this one was spending time with the other girls. We had such a natural connection and the closer we got, the easier and more fun it was to play the part.

What was it like working with the director, Elliot Feld?

Danielle- Elliot is amazing. He is so professional and has so much experience working in the commercial world and he just knew. He was so concise and communicated well. He was great to work with.

What is next for you?

Danielle- I actually don’t know? I was in New York for the last eight months and I just got back to L.A. yesterday so I am sure things will start coming up.

Now, onset while playing Angie in “Killer Kate,” did you face any challenges while shooting?

Danielle- Everything really went pretty smooth. Of course when you are dealing with blood and wounds, continuity is a little tricky but everyone worked together really well. There weren’t really any challenges.
(Airplanes flying over me during this interview.)

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Any possibility if there was a sequel, would you come back in any way shape or form?

Danielle- Oh, yeah definitely. I loved working with everybody.

Since Halloween is coming up. Do you have a favorite movie you always watch?

Danielle- I do love “Hocus Pocus.”

Oh my god, me too! I love it! But, who doesn’t!

Danielle- Is that one of your favorites too?

Yes it is.

Danielle- It is so good. This year I am also doing… Have you heard of The Wolf Connection?
No, I have not. What does it entail?

Danielle- They rescue wolf dogs and they are doing a hike through the forest with the dogs. At the end there is a bon fire and fortune tellers and all of that so I am really excited about that.


That sounds awesome. Where can people go to help out or help you out with that?

Danielle- The website is wolfconnection.org and you can sponsor different dogs and donate. They have monthly events as well and all of the proceeds go to help the organization and support the wolf dogs.

That is great! What would you like to say to the audiences that will be watching “Killer Kate?”

Danielle- “Killer Kate” is such a great horror film because it’s really fun and playful. There is a joy to it. So I think just going in to watch it with a child-like mentality is what I would recommend.

I agree. It is amazing and thank you so much Danielle for taking the time to speak with Horrornews.net

Danielle- Thank you and have a great day.


Thank you.



Killer Kate is now available on VOD and Digital HD

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