We have all watched a horror film and have urged the main character not go into that dark basement alone. The key to survival in a horror film is based on anticipating and assessing the risks at hand and being mentally prepared. If you think this also sounds like a good way to play poker, you’re right. Our friends in the horror films should take inspiration from poker players who are renowned for their assessment of risk in poker and ability to appraise poker hand odds to ensure they get their desired outcome. These skills can be applied equally to surviving a zombie apocalypse and avoiding asteroids. When danger lurks around the corner, the calm, collected nature of poker players would ensure their survival.
A typical refrain mentioned in a horror film is “I will be right back.” This is almost NEVER true. How many times has a character muttered those words, only to meet their demise in the most ghoulish fashion? On the other hand, the experienced poker player never ventures through a hand of poker without a solid game plan. Poker greats know how to read the poker table and anticipate their opponent’s moves in advance.
Another key to surviving until the end of a horror film is to always keep an eye on what is going on behind you. Whether it is a mindless zombie or a blood-thirsty vampire, make note – they will ALWAYS be behind you. We recommend carrying a mirror in front of you to ensure that you can see what’s behind you. Here again, a strategy can be borrowed from the poker players who pay attention to the cards on the poker table to gauge their future moves. This also ties in with another celebrated theme of horror films – the main characters who are under attack are always good looking. For those wanting to take it one step further, there is always a selfie stick (ideal for documenting your demise on Snapchat). We should mention that mirrors and selfie sticks are discouraged at the poker table, but you get the idea!
Having a car in good working order is also key to survival for any horror film character. It’s a tad annoying at the best of times to turn your key into the ignition for it to sputter and fail, but when you are running for your life to escape the clutches of said zombie/vampire/demonic clown, it’s downright frustrating (and somewhat life threatening). Extra points for survival can be attained by carrying a spare pair of keys to the car in question. Just keep in mind the poker player who plans ahead and has multiple plays in mind.
Consider your footwear choice. There is always one friend that has the wrong shoes for the occasion (can’t think of that friend? It’s probably you!). High heels and horror films do not a perfect combination make. However, this rule can be relaxed if stilletos help your poker game.
In a horror film, your odds for survival are more likely to increase if you stick together. Surrounding yourself with World Series of Poker caliber players is probably a good idea. Having said that, assessing who out of your circle of friends is most likely to be the first victim will certainly help your own chances. The second someone leaves the circle of trust to do what nature has intended, the most likely that they will not be returning to said circle. Everyone who plays poker knows when to hold and when to fold.
What do you think your odds of survival in a horror film would be? Maybe it’s time to play a few poker games and brush up on your poker skills!