Seeking Valentina, Armin Nasseri’s award-winning, critically-acclaimed thriller short continues its vigorous film festival and awards run across the United States on the heels of receiving an Honorable Mention for this year’s Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for Best Short Film.
The Rondo Awards, named after Rondo Hatton, an obscure B-movie villain of the 1940s, honor the best in classic horror research, creativity and film preservation. This year’s e-mail vote, conducted by the Classic Horror Film Board, a 21-year old online community, drew more than 3,400 ballots. The Rondo vote is the largest survey of the classic horror genre held each year. Hours before the announcement of the honor, Seeking Valentina had a red carpet screening and Q&A with the cast and crew at the Los Angeles World International Film Festival at the famed movie palace, The Crest of Westwood.
Nasseri’s Seeking Valentina will continue on its festival run this week with Seeking Valentina’s screening Friday April 22 at 7:45pm at The Roxy Theatre,220 W. Okmulgee St. Muskogee, OK 74401 as part of the Bare Bones International Film Festival, where the film and its cast are nominated for five awards, including Best Thriller Short.
Seeking Valentina follows its run at Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival with an engagement at the Las Vegas Galaxy Film Awards on April 29. On the heels of the Rondo Hatton Award announcement, festival runners jumped onto the opportunity to screen the film and Seeking Valentina will also play at the International Horror Hotel in Cleveland, OH on June 11 and the Love International Film Festival in Los Angeles, CA in July. Seeking Valentina has garnered an additional Honorable Mention nod at the International Horror Hotel.
“Seeking Valentina,” follows Benjamin (Ali Bavarian), an Iranian-American writer mourning the loss of his dead wife. When Valentina (Kristin West), a mysterious and whimsical tenant comes to take up residence in his home and then abruptly disappears, it is for the audience to decide if Valentina is a ghost, a dream, a hallucination or a runaway.
The short was shot in three Southern California counties, over six days and with locations spanning 500 miles. Seeking Valentina has garnered international attention due to its excellent casting, unique storytelling structure, production value and compelling themes. Nasseri vigorously resisted stereotyping throughout his production, and cast many actors against type. “I was honored and humbled that our film was nominated for a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award and I was touched by the outpouring of support by our fans worldwide,” said Nasseri. He continued, “I am so honored that our film will be playing at The International Horror Hotel and Love International Film Festival. It is honor for our team to screen at these esteemed festivals.”
Lead actress and producer Kristin West said, “Armin has created a unique film with powerful performances. Every time this film reaches a new audience, I am touched.” She continues, “We owe a debt of gratitude to our fans and supporters all over the globe who continue to cheer us on. It was such an amazing outpouring of support we received for our Rondo bid.”
To learn more about Seeking Valentina, visit