SYNOPSIS: After an apocalyptic event decimates the world a group of survivors living in an underground bunker find themselves under attack by a hideous, seemingly unstoppable monster that wants to rip them to pieces. REVIEW: Review-I am sort of on the fence when it comes to movies that combine elements of horror with science fiction. There are some good ones …
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Film Review: The Nest (1988)
SYNOPSIS: Horrifying shocker as a biological experiment goes haywire when meat-eating mutant roaches invade an island community, terrorizing a peaceful New England fishing village and hideously butchering its citizens. REVIEW: When it comes to movies having a “gross out factor,” few films can hold their own against those that feature c**kroaches. While all types of insects have been shown throughout …
Read More »Film Review: House IV (1992)
SYNOPSIS: Roger Cobb (William Katt) is killed in a car accident. His family must move into the house that has haunted him for several years. Soon the family begins to experience scary and unexplained phenomena. REVIEW: The majority of the crew behind House IV was involved in the original House and its sequel, House II: The Second Story, but this …
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