Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, Riddick finds himself up against an alien race of predators. Activating an emergency beacon alerts two ships: one carrying a new breed of mercenary, the other captained by a man from Riddick’s past. REVIEW: Nine years after the totally wrongheaded The Chronicles Of Riddick” & thirteen years after Pitch …
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TV Review: Helix (Season 1) (TV Series) (2014)
Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: A team of scientists are thrust into a potentially life-or-death situation in this thriller, which begins with the group being deployed to the Arctic to secretly investigate what could be a disease outbreak. REVIEW: Helix, a 2014 TV series is a 13 episode science fiction / horror series that premiered on the SyFY channel. In the wake …
Read More »Film Review: Upside Down (2012)
SYNOPSIS: A man searches an alternate universe for a long-lost love from his youth. REVIEW: You haven’t seen a movie like this before! It was a trailer that caught my eye in this bizarre science fiction drama/romance tale that out the box feels alot like a future cult film in the making. The idea of a world that butts up …
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