Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Based on the popular manga by Uziga Waita, MAI-CHAN S DAILY LIFE is a diabolical dark comedy that takes fetish violence to shocking new extremes. A young woman, Miyako (Akane Miyako) responds to an advertisement for a live-in maid, and is given a job alongside the playfully alluring Mai-chan (Koshi Ann). Miyako quickly learns that housecleaning …
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MAI-CHAN’S DAILY LIFE on Blu-ray and DVD from Kino Lorber/Redemption
Kino Lorber and Redemption Release Mai-Chan’s Daily Life – The Movie: Bloody Carnal Residence, Based on the Shocking Manga by Waita Uziga Available on Blu-ray and DVD September 20 Kino Lorber and Redemption announce the Blu-ray and DVD release of MAI-CHAN’S DAILY LIFE – THE MOVIE: BLOODY CARNAL RESIDENCE, based on the popular manga by Waita Uziga which was published …
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