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Tag Archives: I Walked With A Zombie

13 Greatest Horror Movies of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s


13. I Walked with a Zombie (1943) This movie is basically Jane Eyre in the West Indies with a touch of voodoo thrown in and it relies mostly on merging the dichotomies it spent so long building up: voodoo/Christian, black/white, dead/alive, magic/science. This sense of ambiguity is the only unsettling force in a too-literal plot and otherwise tame film. 12. …

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Jacques Tourneur


There were some good but usually fairly conventional fantasies produced by the commercial cinema in the forties. But in the middle of all this was one small oasis of the unusual: The low-budget low-key horror movies produced by Val Lewton for RKO Radio Pictures between 1942 and 1945, and made by a small, fairly autonomous unit, saving money where possible …

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