SYNOPSIS: An animated film that takes place 15 years after the events of H.G. Well’s classic tale of Martians invading Earth. The Martians return but this time around mankind is ready thanks to a special military unit known as ARES that uses advanced technology and weaponry that rivals that of the alien invaders. The war is on, but who is …
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TV Review: The Incredible Hulk (1978-1982)
Rate This Movie Before Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created The Fantastic Four and launched the Silver Age of comic book superheroes at Marvel, they created a handful of monsters with weird names like Rommbu, Fin-Fang-Foom, and Googam Son Of Goom, which appeared in Tales Of Suspense and Strange Tales magazines. The Hulk was the last of their monsters who, …
Read More »Film Review: Coherence (2013)
SYNOPSIS: Strange things begin to happen when a group of friends gather for a dinner party on an evening when a comet is passing overhead. REVIEW: Hurray! A sci-fi movie! I love sci-fi films, although I’m always a little afraid of a low budget one. It’s hard to do good science fiction on a small budget without the end product …
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