Alright, I know what your thinking….just in time for Halloween, what a cool decoration this would make. But let’s not forget the full season 3 bluray set! Did i mention this thing lights up! And if you are scratching your head on where the on button for this thing is, you might want to take a look at the #3 on the front. Yep, it’s the kind of thing that will make your friends envious and hungering for their own (while they last!)
Ok, we are giving 1 aquarium prop bluray ray set designed by Mcfarlane Toys. No contest, just a random drawing from emails received. The winner will be selected from using a random number counter that will choose between the number of entrees we receive. Only 1 email per person is needed. This will be limited to within US only (sorry)
If you are interested in this free giveaway, send an email with the tile “The Walking Dead” to “”
Now of course, you are probably hungering for some info on this cool product. Details have been provided”
· 5 disc set of the complete third season on blu-ray.
· Blu-ray special features include:
· Featurettes of “Rising Son,” “Evil Eye,” “Gone, But Not Forgotten,” “Heart of a Warrior,” “Michonne vs. The Governor,” “Safety Behind Bars,” “Making the Dead” and “Guts and Glory.”
· Audio commentaries on episodes 4, 5, 8, 9 and 15
· Deleted Scenes of “Walk with Me,” “Say the Word,” “Hounded,” “Home,” “Ain’t No Judas” and “Clear.”
· Collector’s Zombie Head Tank