Created by Tim Armstrong (Rancid, Operation Ivy, The Transplants), it’s a scripted musical theater themed show debuted on VEVO last month. It’s also the first scripted programming on VEVO, which is the world’s leading all-premium music video and entertainment platform.
Tim Armstrong wrote all of the music for the series. Homage to the classic American Musicals, the show centers on Armstrong as today’s punk rock Rod Serling, narrating episodes with a variety of special guest actors and musicians. Each episode will feature hard-hitting songs and rousing dance numbers.
The pilot episode features AFI frontman Davey Havok and Lars Frederiksen of Rancid. The debut episode entitled “Dante” brings the epic poem Dante’s Inferno roaring into the 21st Century with a timely new take on greed and corruption.
Here’s the trailer:
Check out “Dante”in its entirety here: