Ghost Town, hosted and produced by Jason Horton and Rebecca Leib, is a comedy podcast about mysterious, abandoned and esoteric places all over the world. Each week Rebecca and Jason explore new unsolved mysteries, abandoned places, haunted houses, and the paranormal. If you love true crime, ghost stories, urban archeology, the unexplained, or just want to see the world around you a little differently – Ghost Town has something for you.
Through comedic investigation of a location, Ghost Town explores history, story and a shared curiosity/commentary of forgotten spots, large and small (and often haunted)! Ghost Town has been #2 on the Apple Podcast comedy charts, top 15 on the Apple Podcast top charts, a featured podcast on Apple Podcast’s Scary Stories, a favorite on Castbox’s Editor’s Picks and has been reviewed by Brit & Co, Geek Girl Authority and the AV Club. The AV Club said that paranormal enthusiasts looking for podcast additions should “look no further than Ghost Town.”
Check out Ghost Town on iTunes:
Ghost Town Live: The Ghost Town podcast will be taking the action to the stage beginning April 25 with Ghost Town Live: Hollywood Forever at the Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles (tickets here). This event will feature a live recording of a Ghost Town episode exploring two of the most grim, macabre and iconic sites in Los Angeles: HOLLYWOOD FOREVER and The PARAMOUNT LOT. Additional Ghost Town Live engagements with new locations and subjects to follow.
Instagram: @GhostTownPod
Twitter: @GhostTownPod
Facebook: @GhostTownPod