The horror short film “Dead Story”, filmed in Spain, has been selected this week in the Mascara & Popcorn Film Festival from Canada, which means to have already participated in 100 festivals around the world.
“Dead Story”, directed by Fran Mateu, is played by Fran Palacios, Maite Mateo and the Fele Pastor voice over. The movie had a high number of participants, including Paco Soto and Carol Colomer (Cafetico Films S.L.), the artistic director and makeup artist Jesús Díaz (Blood Virus) or the composer Jorge A. Montesinos Galan, who gave life to the movie soundtrack.
The short film has been screened in several festivals from Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Ireland, UK, India, South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Argentina or Brazil. However, in the list highlights USA, having been screened in almost 30 festivals from the country, such as WorldFest-Houston (Special Jury Award), the Indie Gathering in Ohio (award for best foreign horror short), Neo-Noir Erotic Film Fest in L.A (best short film and best actress awards), Buffalo Screams in NY (best cinematography award for Javier Lorente), or NW Washington Short Film Festival (best actress and best costume awards). Among its nominations, highlights the Grossmann in Slovenia, where it competed for the Golden Méliès nomination for best European fantastic short film, the highest award given in fantasy genre.
Currently, Mateu prepares his next short film, also fantasy and whose team will participate “Dead Story” fellows, a group that has managed to create a work that has been screened around the world, specifically in one hundred festivals. The short film, with English subtitles and included in the stories book “Dead Stories”, is on sale at various Spanish bookstores and in the online store from