The Spanish short film “Dead Story”, directed by Fran Mateu, has won the award for Best Foreign Horror Short Film at 16th Indie Gathering International Film Festival, to be held from 17 to 19 August in Hudson (Ohio). The Indie Gathering International Film Festival is a recognized festival, and it’s also an international meeting point where participants gather each year to display a closer look at the creative process in the film media. In this present edition, after passing the selection filter which have registered hundreds of pieces, this short film, shot in the Spanish city of Elche, has won its second award in USA after the “Special Jury Remi Award” at WorldFest-Houston.
“Dead Story” is a gothic horror short produced by Sotofilms, from the director Paco Soto, and it’s a secular story about the bizarre meeting between Samuel (Fran Palacios) and Isabel (Maite Mateo), with the voice of Fele Pastor. It should be noted the laborious processes of makeup, hairdresser, art department and clothing, with the collaboration of Jesús Díaz, Eva Garzón, Mar Camacho or Raquel Díaz, besides having a large cast and crew.
The official site of “Dead Story”, available in Spanish and English, is