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Home | Books | Book Reviews | HorrorNews.net is Seeking PDF Book Reviewers!

HorrorNews.net is Seeking PDF Book Reviewers!

If you love horror, don’t mind reviewing electronic books and want free product emailed to you, then we’d love to add you to our roster of book reviewers!

We ask that you email us a sample or link to a review you’ve done, so we can see the quality of your writing. If you don’t have one, you are welcome to write one up for this purpose.

HorrorNews.net receives several book review requests a week, lately many have been .pdf or ebook formats. We currently have about 20 reviewers who are backlogged on hard copies. This leaves a huge backlog of pdf books sent in from publishers and authors.

Please note: This position is for pdf formats only (or ebooks from the author / publishers).
We have enough reviewers on hand to review hard copies
We are also looking for long term efforts (as books keep coming..)

We are looking for around 10 reviewers to add to our team.

– We will forward the pdfs or requests directly to you. Reviews can be submitted in a Word document upon completion
– This is non-paid, but you will get the products themselves
– You will have your own reviewer (author) page
(As you build up reviews, your author page on HorrorNews.net increases. You can access it directly)

– Write and review in your own words
– 650 words minimum
– Must be a horror fan (of course)
– Can write intelligently and informatively.
(be constructive, but not insulting) (AKA if you are one of those types (insulting) of writers, HNN is probably not the best fit.

High Visibility!!
Most of our book reviews rank in the #1-5 spot within search engines
(yep even over Amazon.com!!)

Interested? We have tons of books waiting! Email us at positions@horrornews.net

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