Word today came over that the “Ghastly Awards” are soon to arrive. The team is looking for nominations to help decide on the winners
A little background:
Founded in 2011 by Decapitated Dan with the help of Steve Banes, Mike Howlett, Lonnie Nadler and Mykal Banta, The Ghastly Awards have been created for horror comic creators to nominate their peers for industry wide recognition.
Nominating works like this:
• Creators (Artists, Writers, Inkers, Colorists, Letterers, Editors and Web Comic Creators) have one year to nominate, and are allowed to nominate up to 5 times during that year. You can not nominate yourself and you can not nominate someone/something more than once.
• At the end of the year nominations will be counted and the top 5 in each category will be the nominees.
• That list of nominees will be voted on by a panel of 5 judges. These judges will be members of the horror comics community who do not have any part in making comics; Reviewers, Journalists and Historians.
Go to http://www.ghastlyawards.com to nominate
Nominating will be open for 2011 books until Feb. 29, 2012.