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Home | Jeepers Creepers 3 – original cast members to re-unite??

Jeepers Creepers 3 – original cast members to re-unite??

Word from Dreadcentral comes news about a new Jeepers Creepers entry, and a poster to boot! Maybe I’m alone on this notion, but I love the hell out of those Jeepers films, so this is especially a prize announcement. Here are the goodz  “Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral would take place twenty years into the future and would reunite Ray Wise with Jonathan Breck and quite possibly Gina Phillips.

Here is an excerpt from Salva (The Daily Blam)
“It has come close several times to going before cameras, and I hope someone sees the wisdom in shooting this, the third and final Creeper tale, [but] I still can’t tell you what the fate of this third film will be,” says Salva. “3D would absolutely devastate the script – since the added $2 to $3 million in production costs would strip the screenplay down to a point where it would be smaller in scale than the original ‘Jeepers Creepers,'” he added. “And then even that money dried up. I would say the film has been on and off the front burner at least nine times during the last few years.”


  1. About time! I’ve been waiting for the third entry in the JC series.

  2. I really want to c Jeepers Creepers 3!! Can’t wait to c it!!


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