DVD Retailer Allows Fans to Vote for the Best of the Best in Cult Cinema
TLACult.com (www.tlacult.com), an online and direct mail DVD and VOD entertainment retailer specializing in unusual cult, horror and exploitation cinema, announced today the nominees for its annual TLA Cult Awards. Nominees include Cult, Horror and Exploitation films released on DVD and Blu-ray in the last 14 months, as well as noted Cult, Horror and Exploitation-themed blogs and websites. .
“Sure, there are other awards given out every year, but none is as fundamentally awesome as ours,” said Dan Reed, Managing Editor of TLACult.com. “Our nominees tend to come from the insane fringes of cinema that leak out onto DVD and Blu-ray every year and most don’t get a lot of notice from other award-granting organizations. You won’t find any rich British people overcoming disabilities amongst our nominees… unless, of course, you consider vampires pretending to be circus performers to be a disability.”
Categories in the 2011 TLA Cult Awards include Best Cult Movie DVD Release; Best Cult, Horror or Exploitation Blu-ray Release; Best Horror DVD Release; Best Modern Exploitation DVD Release; Best Classic Exploitation DVD Release; Best Taboo Erotica DVD Release; Best Mindf*ck; Best Value Pack or Multi-Feature Set; and Best Cult, Horror or Exploitation Website or Blog. Voting is open to the general public and votes can be submitted at http://TLACult.com/TLACultAwards. Nominees were selected by TLA Cult’s staff of dedicated, sun-deprived movie nerds. Winners will be announced on April 15th, 2011.
“If you like gore, grindhouse movies or sheer cinematic weirdness, you should vote in our awards, If you read cult, horror or exploitation movie-oriented blogs, you should vote in our awards. If you like voting for things in online contests, you should vote in our awards. Not only will you be reminded about some of the best cult movies to come out on DVD or Blu-ray in the last year or so, but you may also find out about some totally insane movies that you’d never heard of before. Really, there’s no reason for anyone not to vote.” added Reed.
TLA Entertainment offers the very best in home entertainment offering a vast catalog of movies for every type of consumer, from quirky Independent cinema to outstanding Cult & Horror movies to Gay & Lesbian films and the hottest in both Straight and Gay adult entertainment.