Starring Aaron Hursh, Jeff Rogstad, Wade Stover and Ryan Lalonde, Zombie! is a mock-reality TV show documenting the daily routine of young zombie Jim Turner (Hursh) who seeks to dispel zombie stereotypes. Director Paul Kell credits waking from a dream two weeks before shooting started and jotting down his concept about a zombie who was a normal guy for the plot of the film. The film portrays the zombie character as a real person in the film, and this zombie with a soul is a crusader for zombie rights and wants his people to be “given a fair shake.”
Zombies! will run approximately ten minutes long and Kell plans to shop the short around to various different film festivals in the near future.
[youtube][/youtube]Ever wonder what a REAL shotgun blast will do to the head of a Zombie? We answer that question from two behind-the-scenes angles shot with our GoPro HD cameras.
Stay tuned…ZOMBIE! (the entire film) should be finished by the end of January.