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5 Must-Watch Found Footage Horror Films

5 Must-Watch Found Footage Horror Films by Creepy Bonfire

Ever wonder what happens when someone stumbles upon creepy, arebandoned footage? Found footage horror films hold the answer. They blur reality and fiction, making you question if you should ever record anything again. Each film on this list turns ordinary moments into pure terror. Ready for a wild ride through shaky cams and sleepless nights? Let’s hit play on 11 found footage horror films to watch right now!

Creep (2014)

You’re a broke videographer. A weird guy hires you to film his life in a remote cabin. Easy money, right? Wrong. He’s not just quirky—he’s psychotically quirky. Awkward chats turn into “please-don’t-kill-me” moments.

Mark Duplass, usually charmingly odd, goes full-on creepy. His chemistry with director Patrick Brice (who plays the videographer) is electric, like watching a slow-mo car crash. You know it’s bad, but you can’t look away. Duplass makes you laugh, then makes you wonder if you’ll ever laugh again. It’s not the plot—it’s the raw, unscripted feel of their interactions.

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Three film students hike into the woods to document a local legend. They get lost. They never return. Their footage is found, and the rest is horror history.

Remember when “Scream” dissected horror movies? “The Blair Witch Project” did the opposite. It created a new style in the found footage horror film genre with its grainy, home movie look. Back in 1999, the Internet was like the Wild West, and Artisan Entertainment used it brilliantly to make people think this film was real. People walked into theaters wondering if they were about to watch real lost footage. Spoiler: they weren’t, but the scare was real.

Paranormal Activity (2007)

A young couple sets up cameras around their house to capture evidence of a haunting. What they find is far scarier than they imagined.

Made on a shoestring budget of $15,000, “Paranormal Activity” turned minimalist effects into maximum scares. Forget CGI ghosts. This film uses creaky floors and flickering lights to achieve their goal. Micah Sloat’s “tough guy” routine and Katie Featherston’s descent into fear create a realistic dynamic. Yes, Micah’s macho attitude is grating, but it’s meant to be. Katie’s performance, on the other hand, is a masterclass in portraying slow, creeping terror.

REC (2007)

A news crew sneaks into a quarantined building during a mysterious outbreak. What do they find? Think “zombies meet demonic possession.”

“REC” is the crème de la crème of found footage zombie films in Spanish Cinema. It blends the chaos of “28 Days Later” with a demonic twist, redefining what a zombie flick can be. The Spanish film keeps you on the edge of your seat with fast-moving infected and claustrophobic, first-person filming. The film feels like a professional news broadcast gone horribly wrong. Its low budget doesn’t stop it from delivering top-notch scares and excellently choreographed zombie mayhem. The tight, confined setting amps up the tension.

One Cut of the Dead (2017)

A film crew tries to shoot a live, single-take zombie movie. Chaos ensues both in front of and behind the camera.

This isn’t one of your typical zombie flicks (nor your typical found footage horror films). “One Cut of the Dead” starts with what seems like a straightforward zombie movie, but then flips the script. The first act is a 30-minute uninterrupted take of a zombie film. The twist? The zombies aren’t real—they’re actors, and the true story is about the hilarious and heartwarming behind-the-scenes chaos.

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