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Film Review: Thumper’s Revenge (Horror Short Film)

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Thumper’s Revenge | Award Winning Horror Comedy Short Film (2023) 4K


“Screams echo in the meadow and blood will spill when hunters take aim at Bambi from the hill. They can run and they can plead, but Thumper is about to make them bleed.” Director Sean Haitz (Big Top Evil, Cannibal Comedian) gives us his new award-winning horror/comedy short film Thumper’s Revenge. Written by Haitz and Mark Cerulli (’Halloween’ Unmasked 2000), it stars Johnny Hoops (Babylon), Clair Brauer (AREA 5150), Haitz and Aaron Prager (Cannibal Comedian, Haunted House Of Pancakes).


Director Sean Haitz (Big Top Evil) presents: Thumper’s Revenge… Right in time for the holiday. The tagline is, “SomeBunny’s Pissed!”.

The film was written by Sean Haitz and Mark Cerulli. It stars Johnny Hoops, Clair Brauer, Sean Haitz, and Aaron Prager.

This short film opens with words from Bambi’s mother. I’m not sure how I feel about this but let’s give it a whirl. Bambi is out searching for Thumper, her son when you see she is being watched. Oh noooooo…. The hunters show up. I’m already feeling the trauma.

The film is nine minutes and twenty-seven second long. The gore and special effects are on-point. Bambi and Thumper might be a part of the furry world. Thumper is indeed pissed off.

Sean Haitz, and his crew did a great job with this short horror film.

Make sure to check it out.

Watch the film on YouTube




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