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Film Review: No Overnight Parking (Short Film)











No Overnight Parking follows a cosmopolitan woman (Alyssa Milano) who has just left her husband (French Stewart) after a disastrous fight. Out of sorts from the scuffle, she stop at a pharmacy in a rundown town, but when she goes down in the cavernous underground parking garage she soon discovers she’s been locked in overnight- and she’s not alone!



The Chattanooga Film Festival returns with a variety of wild and amazing short films, and feature films. The festival runs from June 23 to June 29th, and it’s the ten-year anniversary. Happy Anniversary to the Chattanooga Film Festival.

Okay, so one of my favorite horror or holiday films is P2. It’s a great movie, if you haven’t seen it, go watch it. It took me a few seconds to realize, that’s Alyssa Milano. It was great to see her in a horror film short. She is in a parking garage and whoever is messing with her, is going ABOVE and beyond. I love the writing, the comments and everything that goes along with this film.

It was directed and written by Meg Swertlow. The talent is unapparelled. There is nothing more worrisome that trying to find your car late at night in a parking garage. I will say this… Always be aware of your surroundings. No Overnight Parking is funny, and it gives you just the right amount of creep factor. Alyssa Milano does a good job. I’m digging the fun music, the Halloween aspect. So much fun. Chattanooga Film Festival. I’m thankful for you.



CHECK OUT https://www.chattfilmfest.org/



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