Actor, producer, writer Stelio Savante took time to do an exclusive interview with Stelio talks about his incredible new film he stars in Destination Marfa. It was directed by Andy Stapp and stars Tony Todd, Stelio Savante, Neil Sandilands, Lisa Roumain, Richard Riehle, Scot Scurlock, Martin Klebba, and more. Destination Marfa is available on DVD now. Stelio Savante is an incredible actor. Check out the interview.
Hello Stelio, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview for I watched Destination Marfa and I don’t want to give away spoilers but the ending was pretty powerful. The character you play, Vincent (The Hitchhiker) has an important part in all of this. Why did you decide to take on the role of Vincent?
S.S.- Thank you for your support of the film Janel. I found a lot of me in Vincent. He’s trying to do the right thing but being pulled by forces on both sides. That dynamic hasn’t always been something I’ve been able to chase in a character, it’s different. It excited and intimidated me and I liked that Andy wanted to tell the story from Vincent‘s (The Hitchhiker’s) perspective and use him as the Narrator. There was something very appealing about him being an ominous outsider with a history and we’re not really certain about what’s driving him or of what his end game is. I also felt that I (Vincent) knew something that none of the other characters knew which was both powerful and extremely liberating.
I love the scenes with you and Tony Todd. What was it like working with Tony and this cast? All of you did such a great job.
S.S.- Thank you. Tony was a gentleman. We had immediate chemistry both off and on set and are actively looking to work together again. He brings this wonderful quality that humanizes the Mayor and gives him layers, it was so interesting to work off of. It was also rich to work with several friends that I brought into the film, folks like Lisa Roumain, Richard Riehle, & Neil Sandilands. I like to take my talented friends on my journeys with me when I can, and they all responded to Andy’s script and characters the same way that I did….’Let’s do this’.
What was it like for you working with Andy Stapp?
S.S.- I’m proud of Andy for seeing his vision through. It was very rewarding being part of his vision and journey. Watching him in video village behind the monitors was like seeing a kid opening his presents the night before Christmas. The process of seeing the project go from words on a page to a live set to then a final cut of the film, I loved watching him progress through all of that, it gave me joy. He was wonderful to work with. He’s early in his career but he’s full of ideas, he’s very talented. I’d work with him again in a heartbeat.
Did you have to do anything special to prepare for the role of Vincent?
S.S.- I have my own process that’s been good to me for something like three plus decades now and most of it is personal so I won’t bore you with it. I will say that I watched a lot of films about ‘outsiders who come into town’ in my preparation. Films like Wings Of Desire, City Of Angels, Sorcerer and several others. I was obsessed with the effect that those characters had on everyone around them, how they approached their given world and circumstances. I then reminisced on my own journey as an immigrant to his country, the challenges I faced. The collective ‘music’ of all the above helped me shape the path of Vincent’s approach in his given world without showing my cards. But once I got onto set and into my scenes, I let it all go.
What projects are you working on next?
S.S.- I recently wrapped on a new Netflix series that I’m starring in. I also have several films hitting soon. Including the dark comedy Lapham Rising based on a bestselling novel, starring opposite Frank Langella, Bobby Cannavale and Ashley Benson. And I’m a producer of the film Under the Stadium Lights with Laurence Fishburne which literally just released as well. Looking ahead, I’ll soon venture out to shoot consecutive three films all in different locations but I can’t really disclose much more than that.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview for
S.S.- Thank YOU, you’re terrific! Keep soaring!