On July 6, the spine-chilling supernatural horror thriller DARK SPELL, directed by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky (Mermaid: The Lake of the Dead, Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest), will debut on major VOD and digital platforms and on DVD & Blu-ray™ from Shout! Studios and Scream Factory™. The DVD & Blu-ray™ will contain both the original Russian language audio track and an English-dubbed option. Pre-order for the physical releases are available now at ShoutFactory.com and other fine home entertainment retailers.
Zhenya, a young wife and mother, is heartbroken after her husband leaves her. Desperate, she tampers with the forces of reality by employing sinister magic — in the form of a spell called “Black Wedding” — to bring him back into her arms. Sure enough, her husband returns to her … but his renewed love for Zhenya has become twisted into something far more obsessive and frightening. Now Zhenya has no other choice but to find a way to reverse an irreversible spell, but she soon learns that not even death will part those who have been joined by the Black Wedding.
Production companies: Central Partnership, QS Films, INEY
General producers: Ivan Kapitonov, Svyatoslav Podgaevsky, Rafael Minasbekyan, Vadim Vereschagin, Alena Akimova
Producers: Dmitriy Shepelev, Dmitriy Kupovikh
Executive producer: Tatiana Serebrennikova
Promo producer: Vladimir Permyakov
Screenplay: Natali Dubovaya, Ivan Kapitonov, Svyatoslav Podgaevsky
Director: Svyatoslav Podgaevsky
DOP: Anton Zenkovich
Set designer: Olga Yurasova
Cast: Yana Enzhaeva, Konstantin Beloshapka, Ilya Ermolov, Varvara Borodina, Igor Khripunov, Sabina Akhmedova