Super-cut of three shorts I made by myself in quarantine.
QUARENTINE…. It’s a nerve-wracking word. I’m not sure how good we would do in a zombie apocalypse, considering everyone brought toilet paper in bulk. I’m still wondering about that. So, along comes Panic Fest 2021 and this wildly amazing, life altering short film.
NEW NOT NORMAL Quarantine Trilogy Super-cut. I’m still not sure what I watched? But I do know it was life-altering. Okay, this is what I got from this movie. Human beings aren’t really equipped to be “alone”. We can be alone, we can function, we can do stuff, we can get work done. In the end though, some times it’s nice to have company, to have friends, to have family, to have PEOPLE AROUND!
But it is nice to be at peace some days and have some quiet time. In quarantine and during “pandemic”, some of us had a LOT of quiet time. Some people were by themselves and social media and sites like zoom and slacker became everybody’s best friend.
Ryan Oksenberg directed NEW NOT NORMAL Trilogy Supercut. It’s basically a documentary of 2020. Of course, with everyone being vaccinated, the insanity continues. Are we okay? Do we get vaccinated? Was it a dream? Was it a nightmare?
The Evil Dead, Boomstick moment was TRULY appreciated. I’m not sure whether that was intentional but it was great. Okay, I’m rambling and veering off course. This is a Super-cut of three shorts that Ryan made by himself in quarantine. I think a lot of people were thinking that every movie that comes out in 2021 or later, may be a film about quarantine?
This movie is BONKERS! Legit, I sat for a while and watched it a few times. The short opens with Ryan watering plants. Ryan Oksenberg wrote, directed, and stars in New Not Normal Trilogy Super-cut (2021). All you hear now is, “that’s the new normal”. Some stuff just isn’t the new normal.
It’s funny and sad at the same time. How did we get here? That’s the scary part. I would so recommend watching NEW NOT NORMAL Quarantine Super Trilogy Super-cut. I feel like this was a concert, a family gathering, a date gone right and wrong, a how-to film, a love story, an action-packed thriller, and so much more. There’s a dog and a dinosaur.
Being home so much, some people really discovered stuff and Ryan completely shows the REALITY REAL DEAL version of what most of us were probably? Probably? Maybe? Doing? (I’m bummed I don’t have a drum set.)
OH MY GOSH! I had to watch it again. It wasn’t a Mr. Bungle music video?!
We all get a little jumpy, upset, and tired. It will be okay. Just take a moment, take a walk. It will be okay.
Thank you, Panic Fest 2021.
“May Your Nightmares Inspire You”