Arriving for the holidays, Todd Tucker’s new horror feature, The Terror of Hallow’s Eve, distributed by Shoreline Entertainment, offers an innovative take on the classic monster movie, based the filmmaker’s actual boyhood experiences. In the taut 80-minute film, a bullied boy’s desire for revenge is so intense that it summons supernatural entities that scares his enemies to death. Set on Halloween in 1981, 15-year-old lead character Tim (Caleb Thomas) crushes over a pretty high schooler (Annie Read) who is dating the aggressive Brian (JT Neal).
After Tim endures physical abuse at the hands of Brian and his friends, he retreats to his garage studio where he sculpts and fabricates rubber monsters of his own imagination. Wishing to get back at Brian and the other bullies, Tim summons The Trickster, played by longtime character suit performer Doug Jones, who unleashes powerful dark forces in the guise of hideous creatures, including the Scarecrow, the Banshee, and the ultimate villain, The Terror.
With a mix of practical monster effects — created by Tucker’s Illusion Industries — and strategic digital enhancements, The Terror of Hallow’s Eve is an homage to the horror classics from the time in which the film is set, including peak genre work by Tobe Hooper, John Landis, Joe Dante, Tom Holland, and John Carpenter. In fact, the producers arranged to include original John Carpenter music featured in the film’s score.
Monster makeups, human-operated puppets, and computer-generated imagery blend together to provide the many fantastical illusions in the film. Tucker himself is a veteran of 25 years of work in monster makeup, puppetry, and practical creature effects and enlisted top artists to contribute to the effects in The Terror of Hallow’s Eve, which were rendered horrifically realistic under the supervision of Martin Astles, key special effects makeup artist, sculptor, and puppeteer on the project.
After an unprecedented horror film festival run, The Terror of Hallow’s Eve, from MTI Home Video, will be exclusively released to the American public through Redbox on December 11 and throughout the holidays.
Produced by Ronald L. Halvas with a screenplay by Zack Ward, Tucker’s new piece of cinematic horror, The Terror of Hallow’s Eve will surely mesmerize, delight, and terrify all potential movie audiences!