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Home | Campbell Brothers Re-release films on Limited Edition VHS

Campbell Brothers Re-release films on Limited Edition VHS

The Campbell brothers, directors of low budget cult classics like Midnight Skater (2002) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378358/  and The Red Skulls (2005) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0784832/ have re-released their entire film collection with new art work on a limited edition VHS release.  Most of the titles were originally release through Tempe Video, but are now available on color VHS tapes at www.compoundpictures.com , some of which have never been released before.

Titles include:
Teenage Zombie House Massacre http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318112/

One comment

  1. SteelScissorsInYourSkull

    I know some people are nostalgic for most everything but VHS? The low resolution, the stretched and broken tapes… Ugh. I’m more than happy to see that format gone.


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