Long time staff book reviewer and he of the floppy man-breasts, Anton Cancre has two new stories that are currently available for your perusal and enjoyment. If nothing else, it stands as an opportunity to critique the critic, if he has talked a little sh*t about you in the past.
“Beautiful Things”, a touching little tale of the straining relationship between a father and son in a world where the much lauded zombie apocalypse has come and gone, is in the spring issue of Shroud Magazine.
It’ll be sharing the same general space-time slot as Brian Keene (don’t bother pretending you don’t know him), Scott Christian Carr (Hiram Grange and the Twelve Little Hitlers) and Eric Red. Yep, you saw right. Eric goddamn motherf*cking Red.
The original Hitcher had a profound effect on me the first time I saw it and still does every time I watch it to this day and Near Dark was vampires, violent and bloody and dirty well before 30 Days of Night. More recently, I dug the crap out of 100 Feet. It was a solid ghost story that took an interesting American approach to the J horror thing. Holy Crap.
“The Morning Ritual” deals with the deification of modern contrivances and the savagery that lurks just below the shining surface of civilization and is up on the May digital edition of Title Goes Here. I’m digging how they’ve split the digital and print editions, providing unique experiences for each and its free. You have no excuse for not at least giving it a chance.