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Interview with Matt Maguire – GWAR (This is GWAR)

Hi Matt, how are you? I’m so excited for the GWAR love.

Matt- Hi Janel, how you doing?

I’m so excited for This is GWAR because GWAR is awesome and there hasn’t been a really great GWAR celebration. How did this awesomeness manifest?

Matt- Originally Bob Gorman was working on a documentary, and I think Scott Barber got into the mix. It was a couple years ago. Scott came to us, and he’s like I have an idea, let’s start capturing stuff. He would tweak it as he went along. It was long over-do for sure.

What would you say to the fans and the people that continue to support GWAR. I was excited for this documentary.

Matt- I’d say thank you first of all. If we didn’t have fans, we would just be a bunch of jackasses jumping around in costumes. (Laughing) We appreciate the fans, and we love that they support us through all the years. Hopefully the documentary will open some other doors for people to realize that GWAR is more than just a bunch of guys dressed up in costumes. We have a lot of layers to us. We are so much more than just this thing people think we are. It gives people some more insight.

What else are you guys working on? Touring? New music?

Matt- Yes, the year is stacked. We did a graphic novel that’s tied with the new record that just came out.  The graphic novel is coming out, or it’s out shortly? They go hand in hand. There will be a tour in the fall that supports it, and then we’re heading to Europe in a few weeks. There will be a full U.S./Canada run. There is some brand-new music, and a new video. It’s called “The New Dark Ages”, it’s pretty bad ass. There is a lot there along with this crazy documentary. Hopefully it will be a whole year full of GWAR.

I hope so! This might be an impossible question to answer but I’m going to ask anyway. Over the the years do you have a favorite moment or one thing that just stands out over the years?

Matt- That is a tough one because I think we’ve been on a pretty unique journey, and you talk about this experience. We created this crazy thing that’s called GWAR, and then go show people around the world. There are so many moments. That’s a tough one to answer. You go to a festival and play in front of one hundred thousand people and then you have a cool moment with your friends.

Was it nerve-wracking sharing this documentary?

Matt- For me personally I thought we’re showing our humanity. We’re sharing our story. It’s a crazy amount of stuff. I liked it because it gives GWAR more of a voice. It shines light on us.

I love that. I’m excited for people to see this. I think it’s awesome when there is some mystery but it was awesome to see some of these great moments. Do you think GWAR would ever visit horror conventions again?

Matt- Yes, we used to do a lot back in the day but we’re always busy. I loved doing the conventions. There are so many conventions and they are a lot of fun.

That’s the connection though. There is level from music, movies, books, and just it’s all over.

Matt- Thank you guys for listening and watching.

Do you think GWAR would do another documentary? I’m sure there is a ton more footage?

Matt- Yes, Scott has so much footage, and when you asked me the other question. It’s tough to pick specific things because we’ve all had experiences together and by ourselves. We could do a ten-part miniseries, there is so much footage. Hopefully, we keep everything crossed.

Yes, fingers, and toes are crossed. Thank you so much Matt for taking the time to talk to me today for Horrornews.net.

Matt- Thank you Janel. Thank you everybody for the support throughout the years.



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