Issue: Peter Panzerfaust #1
Writer: Kurtis Wiebe
Artist: Tyler Jenkins
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: Feb. 2012
Pages: 32
Price: $3.50
The city of Calais is the first city in France to fall to the Ger¬mans in the spring of 1940. A mys¬te¬ri¬ous Amer-i¬can boy named Peter ral¬lies a hand¬ful of plucky French orphans and they must work together to sur¬vive Europe’s dark¬est hour.”
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
I have to admit, that I didn’t catch the name hidden in the title. I blame this on the fact that I was never a big fan of the Peter Pan story. So this book comes along and I start to see some similarities and it hits me, a big “DUH” appeared over my head. So after admitting I am not a fan of the basic PP story, I absolutely loved this book! While it is not horror based, sorry fans, it is war based and what comic book fan isn’t on board for that? Jenkins artwork is fun and loose. I think it does an amazing job depicting the flow of this issue in terms of all the action. It is almost as if the book had come alive in my hands. The colors are perfect for this period, it was just overall GORE-Geous. For people who read my reviews you know Wiebe can just kill it on a story, Green Wake, so I had my head up expecting good things with this book, and I was not let down. The pacing is great, the dialogue is awesome and well it makes a concept I found boring fun. Now I keep saying Peter Pan, this is not Peter Pan, this is a book that to me read like it has connections to the concept, but then makes it its own. This issue was great from start to finish. I know I will be on board for a while if this can keep up, and with a team like Wiebe and Jenkins I have no doubt in my mind that it can. Highly recommending this one to everyone.
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Peter Panzerfaust #1 you can find it at
Peter Panzerfaust – Issue 1