Issue: Return to the Planet of the Living Dead #1
Story & Art: Joe Wight, David Hutchison
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date: Aug 2011
Pages: 32
Price: $3.50
“An investigative landing on a farming planet has brought the crew of a Marine rescue ship face to face with an entire population of flesh-eating zombies. Even if they manage to survive the initial onslaught, their slim hopes of survival are about rot away even faster than the moldering, deadly hordes out to devour their flesh!”
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
What you can’t see right now is how excited I am to write this review. I am in love with the Planet of the Living Dead series so far. The artwork is so perfectly done that only a story this good could perfectly compliment it. Following the events of Planet of the Living Dead #1, this book is a fantastic sequel that leads perfectly into the next book that will follow. The dialogue is fun, yet very militaristic, since this one is based on the army getting to the planet. It really is not until the end though until we see the zombies emerge, which is fine by me since they did such a great job building up the suspense. The zombies look great, the story is great and I highly recommend checking this one out, you don’t really need to have read Planet of the Living Dead, but it will help. Antarctic is still killing it on horror titles.
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Return to the Planet of the Living Dead #1 you can find it at