According to Heat Vision, Todd Lincoln is on board to direct the film adaptation of the comic The Nye Incidents created by Whitley Strieber and Craig Spector. In The Nye Incidents a hardened medical examiner is on a search to find a serial killer¬¬ and all the victims have one thing in common. They were all abducted by aliens. Strieber will be involved in the film’s creation and the mood of the film is said to be spooky and terrifying without veering into X-files/conspiracy theory territory. Jon Reiman secured the project for RKO and Daniel Alter and Todd Lincoln will also produce the film.
Lincoln is also directing the film adaptation of Joe Hill’s TWITTERING FROM THE CIRCUS OF THE DEAD.
Comic Synopsis from Amazon:
“Lynn Devlin is a medical examiner who thinks she has seen everything Nye County has to throw at her. She copes with methodical, rational logic. But when a grotesque murder of a supposed alien abductee occurs that cannot be solved with her scalpel and microscope, Lynn finds her detachment is shattered, and her dreams haunted by large, dark, oval-shaped eyes. Now, only one thing is certain: There’s a killer loose in the alien abductee community… human or otherwise!”